First Trivia Night next Tuesday

Trivia Night question markJoint project of Jefferson public library and Jefferson Elks

All “know-it-alls” and “smart cookies” who have a penchant for “useless knowledge”, as well as families who want to be sure their thinking caps still fit before the start of school, are invited for an evening of trivia competition Tuesday, Aug. 23, at the Elks lodge in Jefferson. The fun begins at 7 pm.

Trivia Night is sponsored by the Jefferson public library and the Jefferson Elks. “The top item on the agenda is fun, and then learning some fun facts you didn’t know before, and having fun doing it with other people who like trivia, too,” library director Jane Millard said.

Teams of up to four people will compete, with the top three teams winning prizes. Trivia Night is a family-friendly event for people of all ages.

There is no charge to compete, but any donations will be shared by the library and the Elks for their youth programs. The Elks snack bar will be open with beverages, snack items, soda and bottled water.

Trivia Night will be held monthly. Watch for future dates. Trivia Night poster (1)


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